Friday, April 30, 2010

Espresso: Ti Amo!

I cannot remember the exact age (maybe 5 years old?) when I tasted my first cup of coffee but thanks to my mom (R.I.P.) who kept a lot of my stuff - here is my FIRST actual cup FOR coffee. It's a small cup, that's why I inserted a 25 Cent coin next to it. In the beginning, a lot of sugar was involved , as well, a lot of milk but over the years, I came to love coffee just on it's own. The aroma knocks my socks off. I treat my espresso machine like an Italian race car. I love the sound it makes, I am very careful when I handle its parts and under NO circumstances do I let anyone (drive) use it! San Francisco has some of the best coffee houses around (Thank God). Such as Stella's Bakery in North Beach, Philz Coffee (The Mission or The Castro), Blue Bottle Company (Mint Plaza Café). Mmmmmm... When I look at my small cup, it brings me back such good memories. Family, home-made Italian deserts, sunshine through the kitchen window. Good times.

1 comment:

  1. Lynda, c'est touchant que tu aies conservé cette belle petite tasse... Je t'imagine goûtant ce nectar à 5 ans... dans la cuisine et le soleil à travers la fenêtre... Quand écriras-tu tous ces souvenirs pour les conserver à l'abri de l'oubli? Ton blogue peut aussi servir à ça...

    Je t'embrasse bien fort!
