Friday, May 7, 2010

The wind beneath my wings

This is my favorite photo of my mom and I. It was taken in the 1980's while I was still studying graphic design. It's out of focus, it lacks art direction to say the least but I think it's lovely. I have a great big smile on my face and the only glimpse there is of my mom are her reading glasses but I can tell she was also smiling. My mom was the creative one in my family. I would leave for school in the morning and upon returning at the end of the day, the living room had been « redesigned » (new wall paper, all the furniture had been moved!) I never knew how she did it but every time, it was a success. All her life, she did amazing things with not very much $, but her ideas were plentiful. She was recycling way before anybody knew about it. I would dispose of my old paper color swatches for my assignments, scraps of foam core, stained China ink samples and tada: I would find a new note pad by the telephone with all those pieces that had end up in my trash basket!! That is just one of the gazillion examples I can come up with. She was outstanding with her culinary skills, her positive attitude towards life and payed attention to EVERYBODY - making you feel like a million dollars. I can still say today that not only was she my mother but my very best friend. She left us 9 years ago, thus ending a battle with cancer. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her. Here's to ALL the great moms out there - the ones here and the ones that have left us: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Y'ALL!

1 comment:

  1. Lynda... quel beau témoignage d'amour... une super maman... Je ne savais pas tout ça! Je la sens tellement présente en toi, encore et toujours, un soutien pour toute ta vie! Ça doit être génial quelqu'un qui te fait sentir comme si tu valais 1 million de dollars! Je ne crois pas que ça me soit arrivé dans ma vie! Elle t'a légué sa créativité et c'est beaucoup, en plus de sa gentillesse... ce qui m'est beaucoup! Bonne fête des mères, en souvenir de la tienne!
